摘 要 :在我国幼儿教育走向普及化的今天,幼儿教育与小学教育能否有效衔接对儿童发展具有前所未有的意义。但现如今我国幼小衔接大多是以“幼儿园小学化” 单方面行动的,缺乏双向互动的努力,而“幼儿园小学化”导致了很多的弊病。在笔者看来,从教学模式上帮助儿童顺利实现人生第一次大转型,游戏化教学成为幼小衔接努力中的必然选择和未来趋向。由于笔者实习的学科是语文,所以本研究——“游戏化教学”主要以语文学科的调研为例。
通过分析,笔者认为,导致上述问题出现的原因主要来自四方面:首先是, 主管部门对游戏化教学的态度不明确,并且新教学形式没有得到社会和家长支持; 其次是,学校内部缺乏人员培训,班级规模较大限制游戏化教学;再次是,教师 自身因素,不少教师存在错误教育观念,并且自身能力和努力不足;最后是,学 科因素对游戏化教学的制约,如语文教学内容多,核心素养难把握等都导致游戏 化教学出现各种问题。
针对游戏化存在的问题及其导致原因,笔者提出若干改善建议:一、主管部门层面——主要是制定合理政策,给游戏化教学政策支持;二、学校层面——学校要对教师进行培训,开发以游戏化教学为主题的校本课程;三、教师层面—— 教师要重视自身发展,不断提升自身游戏化教学能力;四、学科层面——对语文课程的性质和游戏化教学效果要有人文意识,坚持客观理性和科学评价,减少减轻语文学科过多目标和僵硬任务。
With the popularization of early childhood education in China, it is of unprecedented significance for children's development whether early childhood education can be effectively connected with primary education. However, this connection in China nowadays is mostly based on the unilateral action of "kindergarten primary school", lacking the efforts of two-way interaction, which has led to many undesirable effects. In my opinion, a good educational mode can help children realize the first great transformation of life successfully. Teaching methods in game is an inevitable choice whether now or in the future when considering the transition from kindergarteners to elementary students. Because my practical subject is Chinese, this research - " teaching methods in game " mainly takes the investigation of Chinese as an example.
Although Chinese teaching through game has proved highly successful, there are still many problems in reality. On the basis of literature review, the author makes use of interviews between teachers and students and classroom observation to conduct a comprehensive "investigation and evidence collection" on the teaching through game in the first grade of primary school. The interview survey mainly focuses on four aspects: teachers' understanding of the connection between kindergarten and primary school, the cognition of game teaching, the difficulty of Chinese game teaching and the purpose of Chinese teaching through game. To understand the attitude and needs of students in the gamification, interviews has been conducted, helping the author understand the possible and existing problems in the implementation of Chinese
teaching through game. Problems can be listed as follows: the transition from kindergarteners to elementary students has not yet been implemented; the game teaching mode is few and single in the actual classroom; the game-based teaching is low-effective; the practice of gamification is easy to be extreme.
Through the analysis, causes of above problems can be summarized in four aspects: firstly, the attitude of the competent department to the game teaching is not clear, and the new teaching form has not been supported by the society and parents; secondly, the lack of personnel training within the school, and the large class size limits the game teaching; thirdly, many teachers holds wrong ideology of education, and they lack capacity and effort. Finally, the discipline factors restrict the game teaching, for instance, the Chinese teaching content is abundant, the core literacy is too difficult to grasp.
Considering the existing problems and the causes of gamification, the author puts forward several suggestions for improvement: firstly, competent departments should formulate reasonable policies to support the gamification teaching policies; secondly, schools should train teachers and develop school-based courses with the theme of gamification teaching; thirdly, teachers should pay attention to their own development and constantly put forward. Fourthly, at the subject level, we should have humanistic awareness of the nature and effect of Chinese courses, adhere to objective rationality and scientific evaluation, and reduce the excessive objectives and rigid tasks of Chinese subjects.
Keywords: transition from kindergarten to primary school; elementary school Chinese; gamification teaching
目 录
引言 1
一、游戏化教学能促进幼小顺利衔接 1
二、游戏化教学契合新课程标准要求 1
三、缘于自身的专业出身和导师点拨 2
第一章 导论:核心概念、文献综述与研究思路 3
一、核心概念的界定与说明 3
(一)衔接与幼小衔接 3
(二)游戏、游戏教学与游戏化教学 4
(三)本研究“小学语文游戏化教学”的涵义 5
二、文献综述 5
(一)关于幼小衔接的研究 6
(二)关于游戏化教学的研究 7
(三)关于小学低年级语文游戏化教学的研究 8
三、研究目的、意义与方法 10
(一)本研究的目的 10
(二)本研究的意义 11
(三)主要研究方法及其运用说明 11
第二章 本研究的理论基础与实践基础 13
一、理论基础 13
(一)沉浸理论 13
(二)游戏化学习理论 14
(三)体验学习理论 14
二、实践基础 15
(一)我国“幼小衔接”施行状况 15
(二)目前我国小学语文游戏化教学的现状及其评论 16
第三章 幼小衔接视角下一年级游戏化教学的主要问题 17
一、幼小衔接工作尚未得到落实 17
(一)教师对幼小衔接认识存在偏差 17
(二)教师在语言课程衔接理念上存在偏差 18
(三)家长幼小衔接观念存在偏差 19
(四)学校缺乏具体的幼小衔接策略 19
二、实际课堂中游戏化教学少且形式单一 20
(一)游戏化教学运用较少 20
(二)游戏化教学时间短促 20
(三)游戏化教学策略单一 20
三、游戏化教学实效性较低 22
(一)游戏化教学课堂秩序混乱 22
(二)游戏化教学形式化 23
(三)游戏化教学耗时较多 24
四、游戏化教学实践中存在极端化现象 25
(一)教师盲目使用游戏化教学 25
(二)教师忽视游戏化教学的功用 26
(三)教师在教学过程中过多干预和放任自由 26
第四章 基于幼小衔接视角下的一年级游戏化教学存在问题的原因 28
一、学校外部因素 28
(一)政府对幼小衔接重视不够引领低效 28
(二)主管部门游戏化教学实质性鼓励措施不到位 28
(三)教学评价制度不健全 29
(四)游戏化教学作为有效教学模式未受到社会和家庭的支持 29
二、校内管理因素 30
(一)语言课程幼小衔接工作尚停留在表面 30
(二)缺乏对教师游戏化教学的培训 30
(三)大班教学阻碍游戏化教学的开展 30
三、教师方面因素 31
(一)教师忽略教育之间的阶段性与连续性 31
(二)教师缺乏科学的游戏化教学观 32
(三)游戏化教学能力不足 32
四、学科发展因素 33
(一)小学语文学科教学内容过多 33
(二)语文学科核心素养的培养不易操作 33
(三)语文教师工作任务重 34
第五章 改善幼小衔接视角下一年级游戏化教学的策略 35
一、主管部门层面:价值引领 35
(一)幼小之间衔接要有体制机制保障 35
(二)给予语文游戏化教学政策性引导与鼓励 35
(三)落实多元化的评价制度 36
(四)争取家长和社会对语文游戏化教学的支持 37
二、学校层面:氛围创造 37
(一)深入开展语言课程衔接工作 37
(二)对教师进行游戏化教学的培训 38
(三)开发以游戏化教学为主题的校本课程 38
(四)合理审核语文老师工作量 38
三、教师层面:素质提升 39
(一)树立正确的衔接理念 39
(二)树立游戏化教学意识 40
(三)重视游戏化教学的设计 40
(四)自身要提高游戏化教学的能力 41
四、学科层面:专业努力 42
(一)凸显人文性:改变传统的语文教育模式 42
结 语
附录 1:幼小衔接视角下一年级游戏化教学研究访谈提纲(学生)
附录 2:幼小衔接视角下一年级游戏化教学研究访谈提纲(教师)
致 谢 51